
Spiritual Armor Testimonies

Personal Testimony from a friend of mine:
The following is a testimony from a young woman, who has personal confirmation that putting on our spiritual armor daily really does make a difference:

"I have a friend (Norma The Prayer Lady), who heals people regularly and miraculously in the name of Jesus. I learned this activity from her. It seems a little childish at first, but it is so powerful! (And we are supposed to be like children anyway).

When I get up in the morning, as soon as I get out of bed and before I look in the mirror, I physically put on the "invisible" whole armor of God. I say invisible because I'm not putting on tangible pieces of armor, but I act like it. When I have finished putting on all the armor, my hands are raised with the sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith, and I praise God for His protection and goodness. I might spend a few seconds, or minutes, praising Him, depending on how much time I have.

Now, here is how I KNOW this activity makes a difference. Until about 4 weeks ago, I had basically been sick for the last 6 months. I knew that my sickness was an attack from the enemy, but didn't realize that I was emotionally unprepared for the battle! I was praying, in the Word, fellowshiping with God/Holy Spirit/Jesus, and in community, but I wasn't consciously putting on the whole armor of God.

Four weeks ago, I started physically putting on the whole armor of God each morning. For three weeks I was in better condition than I had been since September! I was 100% healed! I had forgotten what it was like to have my voice completely restored and for my body to feel normal! Then I guess I started getting used to feeling great, so I stopped putting on the armor. I forgot that I needed it every day, and I got sick again. I realized that I had forgotten to put on my armor! So, this morning I put it on again, and I have been getting progressively better all day. Now I know that I need Ephesians 6:10-20 emblazoned on my heart and in my mind. Thank You, God, for giving those verses to Paul!"

Missy, Dallas, TX

Another friend of mine from Viet Nam writes:
“Holy Spirit, one important thing that I am so thankful for is the armor from God that I put on every single day.

It was several years ago, during the night time when I was asleep, the devils tried to torment or attack me. They were not together; only just one came and the other time was a different one. I remember one night it was a witchcraft spirit came to my bed. He pressed me down with his two hands, for I could not get up. I never sleep on my back, but that night I was asleep on my left side and finally he gave up on me.

One time when I was praying and talking to God, the devil tried to stop me. He said, “Shut up!”. I just ignored him and kept praying.

Another time, a devil woman tried to come close to me. She was pretending to walk very slowly toward me. I waited until she came closer to me, just about two steps to reach me; then, I called, ‘Jesus!’, and she was gone very quickly.

I am very safe now. Before the evil spirits always came and tried to bother me. They tried to scare me in bad dreams, but no more now, not at all.

The Armor from God is very powerful protection. I thank God again from the bottom of my heart.”

Mai, Dallas, TX      

I have been putting on the armor of God almost every morning for over a year now. I really can tell the difference if I don't. Sometimes I forget to do it because I am in a hurry, Those times I feel fearful and have negative thoughts. I really do believe God's armor is protecting me from all kinds of calamity.

Thanks for sharing!

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