What We Believe

What We Believe
We believe there is only one God, present in in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He created the heavens and the earth. He knows everything and is never caught off guard. He stands outside of time, as He created it. He longs to have a personal relationship with each one of us.   
The Lord Jesus was born of a virgin, led a sinless life, His blood was shed so our sins could be forgiven and cleansed and through this we now have the favor of God. Christ ascended to the right hand of God and will return again.  
We believe the Holy Spirit is present in believers and without Him we can do nothing. His indwelling enables the Christian to live a godly life. 
We believe the Bible is inspired by God and in its original form is the only infallible book in the world. It is without error and the authority on which we, as Christians, base our faith, conduct and doctrine. The Bible is not just a book written by Him, it is a part of Him. It is living and active and will heal and feed the soul of those who read it.  
We believe man is made up of three separate parts: spirit, soul and body. This is especially so, after being involved in the deliverance ministry for many years. 
Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation. All men, until salvation, are bound for Hell. When we confess our sins, He is just and righteous and forgives us. Through faith in Christ, we accept Him as our Lord and Savior and then we are born again. 
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